When connecting cameras to QNAP QVR PRO you need to know the correct ports and credentials, for each camera, not just the IP.

The cameras that i tested so far are:

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WordPress and plugin automatic updates

If you purchase a Web Hosting product from a provider like GoDaddy in order to run a WordPress website you may notice after a day that your WordPress website is not working anymore.

I had a Web Hosting Maximum (with cPANEL) plan for a website that i just migrated two days ago. After the migration i checked all the pages and everything was working normally. This was not the case after two days.

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QNAP TS-x73 RAM install

When installing RAM memory in QNAP TS-x73 we need to know what slots to use because there are 4 slots labelled A1, A2, B1, B2.

When looking at the NAS from the side, with the motherboard and RAM in front of you, the slots are labelled from left to right in this order : B2, B1, A2, A1.

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How to edit AWS Route53 DNS records from CLI

If you use AWS and you need to update the Route53 from the CLI there are a few methods.

You can use cli53 tool from github or aws route53 CLI commands. In this post we will use aws route53.

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Synology VPN – TLS Error Unroutable control packet received from

If your VPN connection suddenly stops working when you are using a Synology NAS with Synology VPN Server this may be caused by a few reasons.

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Nextcloud OnlyOffice document security token error

I am running Nextcloud and OnlyOffice Document server in different Portainer stacks. They are behind a Traefik docker container used as a reverse proxy.

When updating Nextcloud from one version to another i sometimes get the error below, when trying to open DOCX / XLSX files:

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