Understanding Android Spinners and Populating Them with (Adding) a Set of Items

Spinners in Android are like select dropdowns (HTML) of web development. Once tapped, it shows a list of options in a dropdown menu from which one can select a value. It is very simple to add it as a View in the Layout file (just as any other view like TextView or EditView):

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Android Dividing Your ListView Into Sections with Group Headers

ListView is commonly used to display a set of data in a list. For example a list of emails, messages, tasks or contacts. I’ve written an article on how to work with lists in android before, which you might want to read.

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Understanding and Implementing Android Lists with ListView, ExpandableListView, ListFragment, ListActivity and Custom List Adapters

There are times when you want to display data as a list. For example a list of emails, a list of messages, a list of tweets, a list of post titles, a list of photos with their titles and other meta data like dates and summary. Android provides 2 classes with the help of which we can achieve a scrollable list of items in our mobile application:

  • ListView – Show items in a vertically scrolling list.
  • ExpandableListView – Similar to ListView but supports grouping of items that can be expanded individually to show its childrens.

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PHPExcel Set URL Font Styles (Color and Underline)

When creating excel files using PHPExcel, on setting a hyperlink the cell value’s styling is generally not affected. This happens on purpose to give us more control on how we want to format our content. Usually this is how we’d set a hyperlink:

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Fixing Laravel Basic Auth Failure

Today, as I deployed my Laravel application, I received an email from my client mentioning that the basic authentication wasn’t working on the production server. I tested promptly and indeed it wasn’t. This was really strange for me as locally all was well. I got stuck at the problem for quite sometime. Searching on Google made me realize that a lot of people have been facing the same conundrum. But finally as usual, I found out the solution not too late.

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Mac OS X Setting Up Initial Tools for a Web Developer

About an year ago I bought a Macbook Pro Retina and completely switched from Ubuntu (older PC) to Mac. In this guide (for starters) I’ll quickly show how to install and setup various important softwares and tools that are essential for web development like apache, php, mysql, ruby, python, node, redis, mongo, git, wget via Homebrew which is a package manager for OS X. It is similar to the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) on Debian or Ubuntu.

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