Empower your business with Staff Profiler

Take control of your business and fine tune your most valuable asset

Advanced Services

Extra services available for ultra peace of mind.

Shortlisting Applicants

Profiling technology run by trained personnel, create and control all Client jobs in our system. Shortlists are processed using our unique software, engineered to rapidly diagnose and cross reference matrices, to analyse our client’s situation. Our trained analysts identify the best fitting applicants of those presented. We analyse all Applicants for

  • Company fit
  • Management fit
  • Supervisor fit
  • Staff fit and engagement
  • Longevity of employment for investment return.

Department Reshuffling

Staff profiler, enables you to see where pressure points lie in your management or teams. Our software design can test the outcomes of personnel shuffling using our unique restructuring testing system. If you find it necessary, we provide that extra level of analysis to help weed out problems in your team, department, even your whole company. Advancing Staff to supervisory positions, is not always the best option, and we provide that little extra surety, that allows you to know ahead of time, whether your decision to elevate existing personnel to a senior role, or to recruit an outsider, is the best option.

Company Analysis

Detecting problems within a company, and proposing a determined cause, is an additional option. Trained personnel can identify the likely cause of inefficient productivity, bring this to your attention, enabling your Company to run at its greatest efficiency. No more, can hidden trolls sabotage your livelihood from within, and below, middle management! All NZ listed Companies provide enough public information to

  • Analyse the state of any Company
  • Assess any Company's current situation
  • Track performance and productivity
  • Draft a Projected efficiency model.

Monthly Analytics

We offer a forewarning system of any impending events that may affect the performance and productivity of your business. We provide a monthly heads-up of any potential risks identified, alert you for your attention, and provide advice of measures we assess may be necessary to align a smooth business flow. This allows the Management to prepare and adjust as necessary, anything that otherwise may affect, continued efficient processes and procedure. This can include our support in helping to monitor your

  • Suppliers
  • Distribution network
  • Associated partners and affiliates
  • Marketing and advertising
  • R&D, and expansion programs.

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years of research

Human diagnostics, Clinical Psychology Company, Political, Markets, Govt. Organisations …


case studies

Business, Crime, Health, World Leaders, Nobel Laurette’s, Wealth Creators, Education, the Deceased, Beta testing, Blind testing, Success and Failure assessment, Real Estate, Banks, Military …


Corporate Clients

Clients Include Insurance, Banks, Finance, Magnates, Franchises

Choose the package

All packages will involve an on-site visit from us to discuss your needs and scope.


From $400.00/mo (12-month contract)

  • Staff Profile Reports level one
  • Company monitoring - advice for alerts detected
  • Company productivity report; performance check alert
  • Independent Staff identified for arising issues
  • Register Interest


From $1000.00/mo (12-month contract)

Standard package, plus:

  • Staff Profile Reports level two
  • Company monitored for specific changes, three-month outlook
  • Impending Staff changes identified
  • Productivity balance and Staff management
  • New applicants assessed c/w report for fit and longevity.
  • Register Interest


From $1500.00/mo (12-month contract)

Premium package, plus:

  • Management report, three months out
  • Supervisor report three months out
  • Staff monitoring, report issues, changes three months out
  • Company pressure is identified
  • New Applicant assessment included
  • Full longevity, Engagement assessment for Fit, and profiles included.
  • Register Interest

Contact Us

To register your interest or just to find out more, please fill in and submit the form below.

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About Us

To be determined


82 Hobsonville Road, West Harbour, Auckland 0618

email: peter@staffprofiler.com

Phone: +64 21 185 4903