Possible Results:
-thank you
See the entry forgracias.


A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time).
1. (expression of gratitude)
a. thank you
¡Me encanta tu mochila! - Gracias. La compré en Oaxaca.I love your backpack! - Thank you. I got it in Oaxaca.
b. thanks
Aquí está el libro que me pediste. - Gracias.Here's the book you asked me for. - Thanks.
A plural noun indicates that there is more than one person, place, thing, or idea.
plural noun
2. (gratitude)
a. thanks
Mis gracias más sinceras a mi jefe por su apoyo.My most sincere thanks go to my boss for his support.
b. thank you
Quiero hacerle un regalo para darle las gracias.I'd like to give him a present as a thank you.
Gracias por toda su ayuda.Thank you for all your help.
This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.
no direct translation
Tengo que dar las gracias a Juan Franco Agudo por haberme dado esta oportunidad.I must thank Juan Franco Agudo for giving me this opportunity.
Doy gracias al cielo por tener un hijo tan simpático.I thank heaven that I have such a nice son.
A feminine noun is almost always used with feminine articles and adjectives (e.g. la mujer bonita, la luna llena).
feminine noun
3. (humor)
This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.
no direct translation
Ese comentario no me hizo ninguna gracia.I didn't find that comment at all funny.
No te rías; no tiene gracia.Stop laughing; it isn't funny.
4. (funny story)
a. joke
Llevaba una lista de gracias para contar durante la cena.He had a list of jokes to tell over dinner.
5. (attractiveness)
a. grace
Me impresionaron la gracia y la elegancia de las bailarinas.I was impressed by the grace and elegance of the dancers.
b. charm
Estos edificios carecen de toda gracia.These buildings are competely lacking in charm.
c. gracefulness
La esquiadora se deslizaba sobre la nieve con la gracia de un cisne.The skier glided over the snow with the gracefulness of a swan.
This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.
no direct translation
Se mueve con mucha gracia.She moves very gracefully.
Todos queremos envejecer con gracia.We all want to grow old gracefully.
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
(performance by child)
a. routine
Juanito terminó con su gracia y todos aplaudieron.Juanito finished his routine, and everyone applauded.
b. party piece (United Kingdom)
El niño empezó con sus gracias y todos tuvimos que prestar atención.The child started on his party pieces, so we all had to pay attention.
7. (nuisance)
This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.
no direct translation
¡Qué gracia tener que sacar al perro cuando está lloviendo!How annoying having to take the dog out when it's raining!
Me pidieron trabajar todo el fin de semana. ¡Vaya gracia!I've been asked to work all weekend. Great!
8. (pleasant characteristic)
a. charm
Creo que tu amiga tiene cierta gracia.I think your friend has a certain charm.
9. (ability)
a. gift
Meritxell tiene una gracia especial para escribir.Meritxell has a special gift for writing.
b. flair
Tiene mucha gracia para combinar prendas.She has a real flair for coordinating clothes.
c. sense
Mi padre no tiene gracia ninguna para decorar.My father has no decorating sense.
10. (legal)
a. clemency
El rey rechazó el recurso de gracia.The king rejected the appeal for clemency.
b. mercy
El monarca es quien ejerce la prerrogativa de gracia.The monarch is the person responsible for exercising the prerogative of mercy.
c. pardon
La Suprema Corte otorgó la libertad por gracia a Antonio Pérez Ortega.The Supreme Court granted Antonio Pérez Ortega a pardon, allowing him to be released.
11. (good turn)
a. favor
Regionalism used in the United States
(United States)
Necesito pedirle una gracia.I need to ask you a favor.
b. favour (United Kingdom)
No me gusta pedir gracias a nadie.I don't like asking anyone for favours.
12. (period of time)
a. grace
Tengo una semana de gracia para acabar el trabajo.I've been given one week's grace to finish the job.
13. (religion)
a. grace
Encontró la salvación por la gracia de Dios.He found salvation through the grace of God.
A word or phrase that is seldom used in contemporary language and is recognized as being from another decade, (e.g., cat, groovy).
a. name
¿Cuál es su gracia?What's your name?
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