

Alekmaul a réalisé le portage de l'émulateur Mame4All pour Dingoo OS Natif, à partir du portage de Mame4All sur dingux de Slaanesh.
Plus de 600 jeux sont déjà compatibles même si pour l'instant il ne s'agit qu'un début et que beaucoup de travail reste à faire.



MAME4ALL v1.2 for Dingoo A320 Native

Lots of work went into this BIG release!

So many new items and changes that I will only list some of the bigger ones here.
Big update to memory handling means more memory for games.
Huge update to FAME CPU emulator now plays every M68000 game.
New compressed graphics storage - larger games now work.
Lots of new games now working and added.

Author/Porter: slaanesh
Slaanesh Dev

MAME4ALL v1.1 for Dingoo Native! Hooray!

I hope it's been worth the wait. There are LOTS of updates and changes.
There's a huge list of "what's new" so I won't list all the gory details here, suffice to say this release is bigger, better and stronger - meaning that more games work, they work faster and it's more reliable!

See the included "whatsnew.txt" for a full description of what has changed.

Author/Porter: slaanesh

Mame4All OS Native v1.0

V1.0 : 13/05/2010
+ Add new games for Classic
+ Add new games for Capcom
+ Add new games for Konami
+ Change mameVector to mameVectSega and add all sega games
+ Add Deast+Irem, Atari+Namco, Others mame .app files
+ Change default sound freq to 22050
+ Return to menu when exiting a game
# Change key X to key B to return to menu (on config screen)
+ Hiscore saving and configuration saving added
+ Add CPU overclocking -> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!!

V0.9 : 03/05/2010
Initiale release for *test* purpose

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