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Entertainment News

Drake Officially Drops Kendrick Lamar Diss Track ‘Push Ups’

Drake Officially Drops Kendrick Lamar Diss Track ‘Push Ups’

Drake officially shared his Kendrick Lamar diss track “Push Ups” to streaming services on Friday (April 19), a few days after the track’s leak. The track sees Drake responding to Lamar’s barbed verses on Metro Boomin and Future’s “Like That,” which took aim at him and J. Cole. Drake does not target only Lamar on…More

Charli XCX & Troye Sivan Announce Co-Headlining North American Arena Tour

Charli XCX & Troye Sivan Announce Co-Headlining North American Arena Tour

Longtime music collaborators and pop icon pioneers Troye Sivan and Charli XCX are teaming up once again for a highly anticipated 2024 co-headlining arena tour. Charli XCX & Troye Sivan present: Sweat with special guest Shygirl, will be staged at iconic U.S. and Canadian venues. British avant-pop and electronic sensation Charli XCX, fresh off the…More



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